Does marine litter concern correlate with changing habits?
27th July 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
Does marine litter concern correlate with changing habits? Our colleagues conducted a study on this subject - they share their insights here.
Vessels supported through resilience fund
22nd July 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
More than 850 fishing vessels impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Brexit have received resilience funding from the Scottish Government this year.
Shellfish businesses benefit from resilience fund
22nd July 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Seafood resilience funding has helped cover some of the costs of maintaining small shellfish businesses impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and EU Exit.
Understanding the migration routes of Atlantic salmon
19th July 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
The distribution and migration routes of Atlantic salmon from different countries has been explored in a new study aimed at understanding the species’ decline.
Critically endangered flapper skate study
14th July 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
This week is Shark Week and today we’re celebrating Shark Awareness Day. Did you know that there are over 30 species of sharks, skates and rays recorded in Scottish waters? Sharks are part of the elasmobranch family, which includes skates and rays. The flapper skate is the most endangered skate species in the North East Atlantic.
Plastic Free July
13th July 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
Today is Plastic Bag Free Day, a global initiative that aims to eliminate the use of single-use plastic bags. So, to acknowledge this day, we’d like to highlight some of the important work that we, in Marine Scotland, do to reduce the amount of plastic and marine litter from entering our amazing aquatic environment.
Colleagues contribute to Harmful Algal Bloom report
8th July 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) present a problem for marine ecosystems, associated industries and societies across the world, including Scotland. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO has just published the first Global HAB Status Report (GHSR), Marine Scotland was one of the contributors.
Mandatory monitoring for Scottish scallop dredge fleet
28th June 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
Our Future Fisheries Management (FFM) Strategy, launched in December 2020, set out our policy initiatives for the next ten years to protect the environment and support a strong, sustainable and resilient fishing industry. The FFM Strategy presents a clear vision for delivering accountability and confidence in our sea fishing activities, and in ensuring that we have the right data and knowledge available on which to base management decisions.
Understanding behaviour of Northeast Atlantic mackerel
21st June 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
Scientists from Marine Scotland have been involved in a survey sampling mackerel eggs in the Arctic Circle. Four scientists from Marine Scotland, which is the Scottish Government Directorate responsible for the integrated management of Scotland’s seas, joined the crew of the chartered vessel Marine Fishing Vessel (MFV) Altaire to survey mackerel spawning activity within the...
News from our Scotia crew
18th June 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
Colleagues onboard our marine research vessel (MRV) Scotia are nearing the end of their latest survey trip but have made good progress collecting information on the abundance and distribution of Nephrops norvegicus, commonly known as langoustine or Dublin bay prawns.