Supporting Scottish business owners after the EU Referendum
25th August 2016 by Jono Ellis
This is a post by Laurna Robertson, one of our content designers. The EU Referendum result means businesses across the UK face an uncertain future. The Scottish Government business policy team wanted to deal with this uncertainty swiftly. Following discussions with the Federation of Small Businesses, it was clear that offering up-to-date information and support...
An Update on the Information Sharing Transformation Programme
29th July 2016 by admin
We held a Show and Tell on Friday 22 July to give an update on the Information Sharing national transformation programme led by the Digital Ecosystem Unit (DEU). We are focusing on the justice sector and working with the Criminal Justice Delivery Unit as our first delivery partner. Our work supports the aim to have...
CivTech: Harnessing the power of digital
6th June 2016 by Scott McLear
Something amazing is happening in Scotland! CivTech® is your chance to use innovation and digital technology to improve public sector services. For businesses [or start-up, pre-start, entrepreneur – or indeed anyone] it’s a real opportunity to win contracts, build business – and along the way make everyone’s life a little bit better. Best of all...
What we’ve been up to
31st May 2016 by Jono Ellis
It’s been a while since we last provided an update on what’s been going on in MyGov, which was down to the small matter of the Scottish parliamentary elections. While the blog may have been quieter than usual, the MyGov team have been working as hard as ever. What we’ve been doing (January – May...
New start to focus on digital participation in social housing
27th May 2016 by Scott McLear
The Digital Participation team has been working with Housing Associations to improve digital participation among social housing tenants. Recently they have engaged a Digital Consultant through the Digital Transformation Service to provide specific support and assistance for the sector. Doug Melville has come from working with the Australian Government in their Digital Transformation, most recently...
Our new approach to Benefits Realisation
23rd May 2016 by Scott McLear
This is a post by Scott McLear, our Digital Communications and Engagement Manager A measurement and benefit framework was established in 2012 to show the positive impact of the strategy Scotland’s Digital Future: Delivery of Public Services. Methodology used to help capture evidence of benefits was heavily based on survey feedback from Citizens and Public Sector...
Putting people at the heart of Digital Public Services
12th May 2016 by Scott McLear
The Digital First Service Standard sets the standard for all online services, which are to be provided via It’s based along the lines of Government Digital Service’s Digital by Default but includes three extra principles around the use of open data principles, green ICT and data hosting. By applying the Digital First Service Standard, we’re...
Prototyping a life events model for
23rd March 2016 by Scott McLear
This is a blog post by the team. life event. noun. a major event that changes a person’s status or circumstances, such as giving birth, getting married, getting divorced, dealing with the death of spouse or losing a job. Life events are often discussed in terms of stress. Our team has been exploring how...
Adding support for victims and witnesses on
23rd March 2016 by Scott McLear
This is a blog post by the team. In 2015, the Scottish Government announced a number of changes to improve the help and support available for victims and witnesses of crime in Scotland. This includes giving victims and witnesses better access to information – and we’ve been working with the Scottish Government’s Justice Directorate...
The Digital Participation Challenge Fund 1 ½ years on
14th March 2016 by Scott McLear
It’s been 18 months since the launch of the first round of the Challenge Fund back in 2014. Since then 84 projects doing fantastic digital inclusion work in Scotland have been supported by funds from the Scottish Government, with some additional support from BT Scotland. As well as helping people to get online, these funds...